Structural Design II

The courses Structural Design I and II explain the fundamentals of how structures function. These courses put great emphasis on studying the relationship between the form of a structure and the internal forces within it by means of graphic statics.


In dieser Übung wird die Lastabtragung von Vertikalkräften auf ein Tragwerk untersucht. Dabei wird zuerst das Bestimmen der Lasteinflusszone geübt. Weiter werden dann anhand von Subsystemen die Übertragung von der in der Decke angreifenden Flächenlast über mehrere Geschosse nach unten bis zur Stütze in den Boden verfolgt. 

Transferring of vertical Loads

In systems with several beams supporting a floor slab, every beam can be considered an isolated subsystem. By means of this abstraction, the respective force flow in the subsystems and finally in the overall system can be determined.

9.1 Transferring of vertical Loads

Calculating loads

When multiplying the width of the tributary area with the area load, this is reduced to a line load, i.e. the load per linear meter. If the length of the tributary is then multiplied by the line load, the resultant can be determined.

3.3 Loads

3.4 Tributary area