Reading network data from a file

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The data describing large networks can obviously not be written out manually, as in a previous post. Here we will take a look at getting network data from an obj file.

import urllib2

filepath = ''
response = urllib2.urlopen(filepath)
data     = iter(response.readlines())

xyz      = [] # xyz coordinates
vertices = [] # unique xyz coordinates
points   = [] # references to vertices
lines    = [] # pairs of references to vertices
deg = None
for line in data:
    parts = line.split()
    if not parts: 
    head = parts[0]
    tail = parts[1:]
    if 'deg' == head:
        deg = int(tail[0])
    elif 'end' == head:
        deg = None 
    elif 'v' == head: 
        xyz.append(map(float, tail))
        deg = None
    elif 'p' == head:
        points.append(int(tail[0]) - 1)
        deg = None
    elif 'curv' == head:
        if deg != 1: 
        if len(tail[2:]) != 2: 
        lines.append((int(tail[2]) - 1, int(tail[3]) - 1))
        deg = None

x2v = {}
tol = 0.001**2
for i, x in enumerate(iter(xyz)):
    found = False
    for j, v in enumerate(iter(vertices)):
        if (x[0] - v[0])**2 < tol \
           and (x[1] - v[1])**2 < tol \
           and (x[2] - v[2])**2 < tol:
            found = True
            x2v[i] = j
    if not found:
        x2v[i] = len(vertices)

edges     = [(x2v[u], x2v[v]) for u, v in lines]
points[:] = [x2v[index] for index in points]

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