Reading network data from a file
The data describing large networks can obviously not be written out manually, as in a previous post. Here we will take a look at getting network data from an obj file.
import urllib2 filepath = '' response = urllib2.urlopen(filepath) data = iter(response.readlines()) xyz = [] # xyz coordinates vertices = [] # unique xyz coordinates points = [] # references to vertices lines = [] # pairs of references to vertices deg = None for line in data: parts = line.split() if not parts: continue head = parts[0] tail = parts[1:] if 'deg' == head: deg = int(tail[0]) elif 'end' == head: deg = None elif 'v' == head: xyz.append(map(float, tail)) deg = None elif 'p' == head: points.append(int(tail[0]) - 1) deg = None elif 'curv' == head: if deg != 1: continue if len(tail[2:]) != 2: continue lines.append((int(tail[2]) - 1, int(tail[3]) - 1)) deg = None x2v = {} tol = 0.001**2 for i, x in enumerate(iter(xyz)): found = False for j, v in enumerate(iter(vertices)): if (x[0] - v[0])**2 < tol \ and (x[1] - v[1])**2 < tol \ and (x[2] - v[2])**2 < tol: found = True x2v[i] = j break if not found: x2v[i] = len(vertices) vertices.append(x) edges = [(x2v[u], x2v[v]) for u, v in lines] points[:] = [x2v[index] for index in points]
Dear, can you please send me the file from this lin
The file does not exist any more and I would like to try the code for the purpose of learning the space structures module at the University of Surrey.
Thank you.
The .obj file with is not available anymore.
Can you send it to me?
I am currently a senior master student in Architectural Technology at the University of Tehran.
I am doing research on ” Interactive equilibrium modelling of structural elements in designing of ecotourism bridges ” as my thesis.
the sample file is indeed no longer available from that location.
instead you can find it here
for other sample files, see