Archive for July, 2014

Dynamic relaxation

In previous posts, we described how to read network data from a file and convert it into matrices relevant for structural calculations. Here, we will use the method of dynamic relaxation to compute an equilibrium shape of the provided network data.


Networks of bars and nodes

Many calculations in structural design involve networks of bars (or branches, edges, …) and nodes (or vertices, …). Essential to these calculations is information about how the elements of the network are connected. This connectivity can be described with a matrix.


Gradient of length

Have you seen our new book, Shell Structures for Architecture: Form finding and optimization? It has been co-edited with Sigrid Adriaenssens and Chris Williams, and features 37 authors from around the globe, both from practice and academia. You can order the book here.

In Chapter 6: Force Density Method by Prof. Em. Klaus Linkwitz, this well-known form-finding method is explained in thorough detail. However, page 64, eq. (6.23) simply gives the gradient of four branch lengths relative to the coordinates of their shared node. Here, we provide some additional detail on how the result of that equation is derived.
