
Invited talk Mariana Popescu at Arup Explores - Digital Fabrication

Invited talk Mariana Popescu at Arup Explores - Digital Fabrication


Mariana Popescu has been invited by Arup Foresight to give a talk on Feb 20 at the "Arup Explores - Designing with Digital Fabrication" event at the Autodesk Technology Centre in Birmingham, UK.  

Lecture Prof. Block at Game Set and Match IV in Doha, Qatar

Lecture Prof. Block at Game Set and Match IV in Doha, Qatar


Invited by Prof. Kas Oosterhuis, Prof. Block and Shjay Bhooshan are among the invited speakers at Game Set Match IV 2019 Qatar, held at the Qatar University in Doha on Feb 6-7.    

Design-build workshop at Tongji / Archi-Union in Shanghai

Design-build workshop at Tongji / Archi-Union in Shanghai


The BRG, together with Tongji University and Archi-Union architects, is organising the MIT design-build workshop "Robotic Force Printing" in Shanghai, China. In addition to Prof. Block, the BRG teaching team consists of Kam-Ming Mark Tam and Gene Ting-Chun Kao.

Lecture by Dr. Matthias Rippmann at the Bauwelt Symposium BAU 2019

Lecture by Dr. Matthias Rippmann at the Bauwelt Symposium BAU 2019


Invited by Bauwelt, Dr. Matthias Rippmann will speak at the Bauwelt Symposium at BAU 2019 in Munich on Jan 15.

Lecture by Dr. Matthias Rippmann at BMI conference at BAU 2019 in Munich

Lecture by Dr. Matthias Rippmann at BMI conference at BAU 2019 in Munich


Invited by the German Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community (BMI) and the German Federal Institute for Research on Building, UrbanAffairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), Dr. Matthias Rippmann will give a keynote lecture at the conference "Efficient, Qualitative and Digital – Ways towards the Future of Building” in Munich on Jan 14.

ETH Highlights of the Year 2018

ETH Highlights of the Year 2018


Very excited and proud that the Block Research Group made it into the ETH Zurich Highlights of the Year (for the second year in a row)!!!

Prof. Block appointed Visiting Professor at MIT

Prof. Block appointed Visiting Professor at MIT


Invited by Prof. J. Meejin Yoon, Prof. Block has been appointed Visiting Professor at the Department of Architecture at MIT. As part of the 150 Years Architecture at MIT programme, he will, together with Prof. Philip F. Yuan, teach a one-month design-build workshop in Shanghai in January 2019. 



ETH Zurich
Institute of Technology in Architecture
Block Research Group
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 1, HIB E 45
8093 Zurich, Switzerland

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