
Lecture Dr. Mariana Popescu at TU Braunschweig

Lecture Dr. Mariana Popescu at TU Braunschweig


Invited by Prof. Dr. Norman Hack, Dr. Mariana Popescu has been invited on June 19 to present her work in the SKI (Seminar konstruktiver Ingenieurbau) lecture series at TU Braunschweig, Germany.

Invited lecture Dr. Mariana Popescu at NXTBLD conference

Invited lecture Dr. Mariana Popescu at NXTBLD conference


Dr. Mariana Popescu has been invited to give a lecture at NXT BLD 2019 on June 11 in London.  

Successful PhD defence Mariana Popescu

Successful PhD defence Mariana Popescu


Congratulations to Dr. Mariana Popescu for successfully defending her PhD dissertation on "KnitCrete: Stay-in-place knitted fabric formwork for complex concrete structures". Additionally, her thesis committee, consisting of Prof. Dr. Chokri Cherif of TU Dresden, Prof. Dr. Jan Knippers of University of Stuttgart and Prof. Block, nominated her for an ETH Medal for outstaning thesis!

Successful PhD defence David López López

Successful PhD defence David López López


Congratulations to Dr. David López López for successfully defending his PhD dissertation "Tile vaults as integrated formwork for concrete shells"! Co-advisor was Prof. Dr. Pere Roca Fabregat of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC).

Lecture Dr. Matthias Rippmann at the 13th BETONSUISSE Betonforum

Lecture Dr. Matthias Rippmann at the 13th BETONSUISSE Betonforum


Invited by BETONSUISSE, Dr. Matthias Rippmann will give a lecture on June 6th at the 13th Betonforum in Zurich.

Lecture Ursula Frick of Blumer Lehmann

Lecture Ursula Frick of Blumer Lehmann


On May 17, Ursula Frick will give a guest lecture for Structural Design VI. She will share her work in the freeform department of timber experts Blumer Lehman

Structural Design IV - Final review

Structural Design IV - Final review


The final projects of Structural Design / Tragwerksentwurf IV, designs for a bus station roof for Zürich Sihlquai entirely using graphic statics, will be exhibited in the Arch_Tech_Lab on May 15-21. On May 17, 12:30-16:30, the final critique will take place.

Lecture Prof. Block in Studio Jan De Vylder at ETH Zurich

Lecture Prof. Block in Studio Jan De Vylder at ETH Zurich


Prof. Block will on May 14 aat 12:00 ask "Seven Questions" in the Universum Carrousel Journey FS 2019 Lecture Series of Studio Jan De Vylder at ETH Zurich.

Department lecture Dr. Matthias Rippmann at University of Kassel

Department lecture Dr. Matthias Rippmann at University of Kassel


Dr. Matthias Rippmann will give a department lecture on Wednesday May 8th at the University of Kassel in Germany. 

Lecture Dr. Matthias Rippmann for the Digital Design Unit at TU Darmstadt

Lecture Dr. Matthias Rippmann for the Digital Design Unit at TU Darmstadt


Invited by Prof. Oliver Tessmann, Dr. Matthias Rippmann will give a special lecture for the Digital Design Unit on Tuesday May 7th at the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany.



ETH Zurich
Institute of Technology in Architecture
Block Research Group
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